
Valentine Freebies and DIY Heart Shaped Chips

Getting excited for Valentines Day!! I just made them some hearts.  OK, a lot of them.  Enough to give one each day the 1st through the 14th of February for both Lexi and Jack.  I am planning on sticking them in pockets, in the car, in backpacks.  Just about any and everywhere I think they will look.  I am hoping it will remind them during their day how much I love them.  Each one can turned in for a piece of Valentine Candy.

Download free Valentine Hearts for a limited time on TheYummyFactory Facebook Page!!

Or saved to play games.  Like Tic Tac Toe, Catch, or a Game of Toss with Heart Shaped 50- 100- 500 taped to the tile. 🙂

We (I actually mean, my husband) made Mexican food last night.  (My very Favorite!!  Hoping to get recipes down to blog about it.  Too tasty not to share with you!)  Anyway,  I made heart-shaped tortilla chips from regular corn tortillas.  Soooo ridiculously easy, yet, the kids had so much fun with them, you would have thought I invented sliced bread.  I see a lot more shaped chips in our near future.  Here is one of Lexi’s Heart Chips with her dinner stacked on it. 

This is how I made them:

Easy Right?  Now go make some.  You’re kids will think you are a genius!  They are too YUMMY not to!

Cupcake Wars Birthday Party with Cootie Catchers and Cupcake Game

I must admit, I am a little obsessed with cupcakes.   Not so much eating them, just that they are so adorable!

Lexi’s last birthday party was a Cupcake Wars theme.  The girls LOVED it!!

Come take a look-see:

The girls arrived, and we paired them up into teams of 2.  Each team had to pick a liner, a cake, a frosting, and could decorate however the wanted to.  I also bought flavoring for the frosting, so they could make it bubble gum, watermelon, or cotton candy.  They had food coloring for the frosting and cake if they wanted to change the colors along with some royal icing flowers and hearts I made a few days before, which are like eating candy dots.  Ya can’t eat just one.

Each team had a turn in the kitchen with the mixer

They frosted

and Decorated

The made Charm Bracelets out of Shrinky Dinks.  I bought blank Shrinky Dink paper at Michaels, and printed about 6 different cupcake outlines.  Once they were done coloring and cutting out, I punched a hole with a hole puncher in the top of each one.  Baked, and made them into bracelets.  Cute little cupcake keepsake.

They also played with Cootie Catchers!!  I made these in Adobe Photoshop.  You can download my template for free and personalize them for your party or print a Birthday one.  I loved these when I was a little girl, and still do.  Aren’t they fun!  Click here:

As for the table-cloth,  I was happy to find this cupcake fabric at JoAnn’s.  I just finished the edges.  Easy Peasy.

Yes.  I blinged the plates and cups.  They loved it!!  I also took jewelry wire and wrapped letter beads around their silverware and each girl got to take her set home with her.

I also bought Cupcake stands from  to display their creations. They were great, just a little on the flimsy side.  Not complaining for the price, just sayin, they aren’t Waterford.

Yes, Jack crashed the Girly Party!!

They are girly girls, so of course, they got silly silly!

Make a wish Lexi Monet!!  You’re 9!!

Wouldnt’ you know it, I didn’t get a pic of all the finished cupcakes.  Some of them were really cute.  They all displayed the best ones in the cupcake stands, and all won prizes for prettiest, funniest, cutest, most loveable, and a few other fun titles.  Then I packaged them all up in some clear cupcake containers I bought from the bakery. They each got an assortment to take home of everyone’s creations.

After all the cupcake fun, they went for a dip in the jacuzzi

Had make-overs

Told some ghost stories

Stayed up half the night giggling.

In the morning, they all went on a treasure hunt to find goodie bags.

It was a really fun doing a cupcake party.  We have such great memories of it, it inspired me to designed the Bake a Cupcake game for her.  Out of everything I’ve ever sewn for her, this is her very favorite thing.  Take a look-see:

Free Wish for the Birthday Girl!!

Hope you enjoyed Lexi’s 9th birthday as much as we did. It’s a theme with endless ideas.

Cutie Candles and Baby Changing Station

Cutie Candles

How fun are these! All you need is a Cutie and some Olive Oil!

Cut a Cutie, a.k.a. Clementine Orange, around the middle, peel in half, cut a cute shape out of the top,  (hearts would be so cute for Valentine’s Day) use the pulp stem in the bottom half as a wick, fill with olive oil, light the pulp, and enjoy your little Cutie candle.  Will burn for hours.  Do not leave unattended, and always be careful playing with fire.

Diaper Changing Station done in the hoop

Perfect little gift for Baby!  Diaper and Wipe Carrier done in one hooping!

Hand Painted Wine Bottles

I spent the afternoon painting with the kids yesterday.  I painted a case of wine, they painted all kinds of things! Rocks, plates, paper, even each other!!  🙂  I really love to paint, and so do the kids.  We should do it more often. Lots of laughs, singing, and good conversation.

I’m giving these away for Christmas to Friends and Family.  They go with my Game boxes.

I actually can’t wait to drink one, wash it out, and stuff it with a string of lights.  Might be pretty.  🙂

These Bottles are from Trader Joe’s.  Charles Shaw Merlot.  $2 each bottle.  Case for $24.  = 12 happy people.  I love these not only because of the price, but because the labels come off so easy.  Just soak in cold water for a few minutes, and Voila!  A fresh canvas! Once I finish painting them with acrylic paint, I spray then with clear acrylic spray. (Hence them out drying on my BBQ)

Baby Jesus Nativity Party and Candy Cane Favors

Happy Birthday Jesus Party!!

Baby Jesus Nativity Cupcakes

For these cupcakes I used a grass tip to make the hay, and rolled the baby out of fondant. His halo is also fondant. You can’t see it in this picture, but I added edible glitter, because, well, I think Baby Jesus would sparkle.  🙂

Here is one of the trays.  The kids loved them, but I think the parents loved them more!!

I Chocolate Dipped Candy Canes for the kids in the classes too.  I attached The Story of the Candy Cane, and our Christmas Tag.

Our Christmas Tag tradition

I print 2×2 pics at Costco.  I get 6 on a 4×6 pic.  Then I cut them out, and Glue them on Colored card stock. Punch some holes, and attach with glittery pipe cleaners or ribbon.  I do these for ALL the Christmas presents.  Family and Friends love to get them every year.

Candy Cane Story

Here is the story attached to the Candy Canes.  You can download a printable word doc. version on my yahoo group, so you can put your family’s name on them.  Look under Christmas Fun.

Manger Foot Prints

I went into Jack’s Kindergarten class and painted all of their feet.  What a great time!!  There is nothing like a bunch of 5-year-olds giggling themselves silly!  “It tickles!”  “Hee Hee Hee” “I can’t stand it, it’s too funny!” “tickle tickle tickle!!”

Candy Bark

Yummy Yummy!

While unwrapping all the candy canes, a few broke.  Soooooooo, I crushed them up, stirred them in the chocolate that is left, pour it on to a piece of parchment paper, and let it cool.  Then you break it up, and serve.  Yummy!

As for the Candy Canes that you do dip.  Parchment paper is awesome!  I use candy melts from a cake supply store.  I melt in a glass measuring cup in the microwave, stir, and dip.  I hold each candy cane with a paper towel to avoid getting sticky.  Be sure to add sprinkles before the chocolate hardens.

Once they cool, Bag and Tag them!!

Family Game Kit Gift

Need a gift for everyone in the family?  What about making a Family Game Basket?  Here are some ideas for everyone from 1- 99 years old.

For the Kids

Family Game Night just got a little more interesting.  The kids are in charge of the rules!!

Dust off those Bingo Markers!!  We need them to make some game boards!!

We added all kinds of fun stops along the way…

Roll again, Move ahead 2, Say Ho Ho Ho, Go Back to Start, Candy Cane Pass, Lose Turn,  Go back 2.  Some of our other boards have some funny things on them.  Sing a song, tell a joke, hold your breath, cluck like a chicken, stand up and dance, eat a piece of candy, name the reindeer, give a hug…  As you can see, we have gotten silly!!

I bought Stickers, Snowflakes, and Dice at Walmart for just a couple of dollars.  Love Love Love it when we can have this much fun for well, almost FREE!

For Little Kids

Whip up a batch of Playdough and add in a few Christmas Cookie cutters and a few packets of Kool-Aid for fun!  LOVE LOVE LOVE kool-aid!  It smells sooooooo good!  Here is the recipe Card We attach with our Play dough.


For Mom and Dad

For the adults, I am adding into their kits, a bottle of Wine, 6 dice, and the rules for Farkle,

Careful!  This game is addicting!


Getting Started

Farkle is a pretty casual game and  played impromptu with a minimum of setup. All you need is six dice, some paper and pencils for scoring, a copy of the scoring rules, and a place to play.

The number of players for Farkle is flexible. Two or more can play (although a minimum of three, and a max of 8 is suggested.)

Each player rolls one die, the highest score going first. Ties are re-rolled.

Game Overview

The players take turns rolling the dice, with the goal of having the highest score above 10,000 in the last round.

During each player’s turn, they initially roll six-dice trying to score points. As long as they score at last one point, they can remove the scoring dice from play, and either bank their points or continue rolling.

If the dice you roll do not score any points, you pass the dice and you get a Farkle, losing all points accumulated for that turn.

If the player manages to score on all six dice, they have “hot dice” and may choose to roll all six-dice again, or they can bank the points and pass the dice.

At the end of the players turn, they write down any points scored and pass the dice clockwise.

Scoring Farkle

Each 1 = 100 pts Each 5 = 50 pts Three 1’s = 1000 pts Three 2’s = 200 pts Three 3’s = 300 pts Three 4’s = 400 pts Three 5’s = 500 pts Three 6’s = 600 pts Straight (1-2-3-4-5-6) = 1000 pts

It is important to note you can combine different types of scoring. (1-3-4-4-4-5) could be scored many ways. For example:

1) (1) could be kept for 100 points. 2) (1-5) could be kept for 150 points. 3) (4-4-4) Could be kept for 400 points. 4) (1-4-4-4) Could be kept for 500 points. 5) (1-4-4-4-5) Could be kept for 550 points.

In the case of scoring options 1-4 the player would typically throw the remaining dice (if they were to pass, why leave points on the table?) In the case of scoring option 5, they could either bank their point and pass the die, or throw the remaining die, with a 1 in 3 chance of scoring (getting a 1 or 5). If they were to score, they could bank their final score and pass the dice, or throw all six dice again, and further increase their score, since they have “Hot Dice”.

Each roll is scored separately. If you were to roll two 5’s for 100 points, if you rolled a 5 on the next roll, you would not get 500 points for 3 fives, you would get another 50 points for a total of 150 points.

Winning the Game

Players continue rolling until a player reaches 10,000 points. Once any player reaches 10,000 pts, the last round begins, and every other players gets one extra turn to score as many points as they can. The player with the most points at the end of the last round is the winner.

Additional Scoring Options:

Three pairs = 500 points – optionally 600, 750, 1000, or 1500 Four of a kind = Double (2x) the 3 of a kind value – also Four of a kind = 1000 – also Four of a kind = 4x the 3 of a kind value Five of a kind = Triple (3x) the 3 of a kind value – also Five of a kind = 2000 – also Five of a kind = 6x the 3 of a kind value Six of a kind = Quadruple (4x) the 3 of a kind value – also Six of a kind = 3000 – also Six of a kind = 8x the 3 of kind value – also Six 1’s = 5000 – also Six 1’s = Instant Win (no playoff) Two Triplets = 2500 points

Scoring Variations:

Three 1’s = 200 points (Pocket Farkle) No points for a straight Straight worth 1500, 2000, or 3000

Game Play Variations:

Getting on the board (popular)

Until a player has a score written down (on the board) they are required to continue rolling until they score at least 500 points. (Alternatively 350 or 400).

Game Goal

The target game score to exceed may be something other than 10,000.

Hot-Dice Roll

Players who score using all six dice are required to roll at least one extra time.

Three Farkles

A player rolling three Farkles in a roll loses 1000 points


A player can choose to begin their turn by rolling the dice remaining after the previous players turn. If they score on at least 1 die, they receive 1000 points in addition to the regular points they accumulate. (Alternatively, they receive the full amount of the previous players points)

Team Farkle

The game is played in teams, with teammates sitting opposite each other and combining their scores. Game play is usually to 20,000.

We have had so much fun with all of these.  I hope your family does too!

Krispmas Favors and Lunch Ideas

Who doesn’t LOVE Rice Krispy Treats?  They are one of my favorite things!!  Soooooooo, why not share them with everyone for Krispmas??

Kids will LOVE this.  The marshmallows expand in the microwave, and look like a giant pile of snow!

Add 1 cup of Kraft marshmallows in a baggy

Add 1 1/2 cups of Krispys in another baggy.

You can download these tags from my yahoo group  for free.  Print on cardstock.  I am also including a word doc so you can add “Love, (Your Name) on the back.

Click here for Snowman Candy Bar hats:

For Girls

Headbands are the perfect favors for little Girls!!  And so Easy to do!!  Check out this new font:
I made these for my Girl Scout Troop to go on top of their presents.  Easy Peasy!!

Lunch Ideas

Yes, I am that Mom that sends my kids to school with fun things in their lunch boxes.  Here are Fridays sandwiches.  Chocolate chips and american cheese.

My BFF has been busy too!  She is doing Christmas Advent Lunches.  This is what she has been up to:

LOVE this Snowball Fight Nicole!!  You always know how to make me smile!!

Snowman Hair Ribbon Bow Tutorial and Snowman Game

I am having a Snowman obsession this year.  It’s just SNOW much fun!!

You can download this embroidery design from Free on my Facebook Page for a limited time only!!

Here is a link to the entire outfit.


Here is how to make a snowman headband.

Tip:  Use a lighter, quickly run it past the ends of your ribbon.  This will seal it, and prevent it from fraying.  Do this to all the pieces before using hot glue.  As for the hat, the pic in the bottom left corner is upside down so you can see how to glue.  Make sure you glue it with the rim on the top.  I bought the little flower at JoAnns.

The Font used on the headband can be found here:

In the hoop Build a snowman game.  My kids are having so much fun with this one!