Valentine Freebies and DIY Heart Shaped Chips

Getting excited for Valentines Day!! I just made them some hearts.  OK, a lot of them.  Enough to give one each day the 1st through the 14th of February for both Lexi and Jack.  I am planning on sticking them in pockets, in the car, in backpacks.  Just about any and everywhere I think they will look.  I am hoping it will remind them during their day how much I love them.  Each one can turned in for a piece of Valentine Candy.

Download free Valentine Hearts for a limited time on TheYummyFactory Facebook Page!!

Or saved to play games.  Like Tic Tac Toe, Catch, or a Game of Toss with Heart Shaped 50- 100- 500 taped to the tile. 🙂

We (I actually mean, my husband) made Mexican food last night.  (My very Favorite!!  Hoping to get recipes down to blog about it.  Too tasty not to share with you!)  Anyway,  I made heart-shaped tortilla chips from regular corn tortillas.  Soooo ridiculously easy, yet, the kids had so much fun with them, you would have thought I invented sliced bread.  I see a lot more shaped chips in our near future.  Here is one of Lexi’s Heart Chips with her dinner stacked on it. 

This is how I made them:

Easy Right?  Now go make some.  You’re kids will think you are a genius!  They are too YUMMY not to!

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